A special opportunity for District 5910 Rotarians to match their Annual Fund contributions and achieve Paul Harris Fellow recognition (Limited time only)
Beginning on December 16, 2024 and ending on March 31, 2025, District 5910 is offering the following:
Using Rotary Foundation Recognition Points generously donated by anonymous donors, we will match contributions of new cash made to the Annual Fund-SHARE during Rotary Year 2024-2025 on a 1:to:1 basis in amounts of $100.00 to $500.00 for any active Rotarian in District 5910 who is not yet a Paul Harris Fellow+8. The goal of this program is to help increase the number of Paul Harris Fellows in our district and also support the Annual Fund-SHARE program of The Rotary Foundation.

Please note: These matches are limited to one per donor and will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis until March 31, 2025, or until the match pool is exhausted, whichever comes first. Contributions made prior to December 16, 2024, will not count toward the match offer.

Here’s how the program works:
1. Send your contributions directly to TRF using either The Rotary Foundation Contribution Form (123-EN) or by going online at my.rotary.org/en/donate. Please note: If you plan to donate online, sign into My Rotary first to ensure your donation is posted properly to your account.
2. Using Rotary Foundation (TRF) reports, we will:
a. Confirm that your contribution has been received and posted to your TRF record, and
b. Determine the amount of the match for which you qualify. At the end of the Incentive period, we will submit your qualifying match to TRF to be recorded.
3. There are a few exceptions. Please note that this program will not match:
a. Contributions from anyone whose current Recognition Amount is greater than $8,800.00 at the time the contribution is made and will not match more than it actually takes to achieve PHF+8 status. For example, if you have contributed $8,800.00 to date, and now elect to contribute $100 more, we will match this amount with 100 points so that you achieve PHF+8.
b. Contributions made to any fund other than the Annual Fund-Share (i.e., PolioPlus, Disaster Response, Endowment Fund, Rotary Peace Centers, and Global Grants). While these contributions are both appreciated and important, they fall outside the parameters of this program.
c. Foundation Recognition Point transfers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at bobbychapman.5910@gmail.com.
In Rotary Service,
Bobby Chapman
District Rotary Foundation Chair